Thursday, August 29, 2013

Living life to The Fullest

When I am asked what my favorite movie is, I don't think of a popular teenage movie. I think of a movie that taught me values of life, The Beauty and The Beast. I enjoy watching The Beauty and The Beast because even after everything the Beast does, Belle still tries to find the best in him. At first, Belle is upset by what the Beast has done, but once she realizes who he really is inside. She becomes his best friend, and she eventually falls in love with him. Even though its takes a while, she finds his purity kept hidden inside. She looks past his beastly figure to find his heart and listens to what it has to say. The Beauty and The Beast is one of my favorites because of the way she forgives someone who treated someone she loves so poorly and learns to love him.

Keep Calm, You know you really otter. Another thing I love is otters. Otters are a mammal that can either live in the sea or in rivers. These animals are meat eaters of small fish, crabs, and other small animals. Otters have a favorite rock that they keep in a pocket under their left arm. They are year around animals and have their young in spring. The mothers lick their young's fur to help them pups swim faster in the water. Sadly, Otters are o the endangered species list. The Marine Mammal Protection Act, passed in September 2001, have been able to expand on the no hunting zone along the west coast so the sea otters can swim freely. Otters are happy creatures and live their life to the fullest.

Within the past 3 months, I have moved from Glenwood Springs, Colorado to Louisville, Colorado. It is a great experience to move around to meet new people but I had no clue how many! The school I am at now, is twice the size, both student and building wise, of my old school. I did not know anyone until two day before school started, which was the Thespians Auditorium Clean Up day. When i walked in had no clue what i was about to experience. That day, I made over 10 amazing friends. These friends where the ones who walked me around the school the day before showing me where all my classes were. On Wednesday mornings, we all go out and eat breakfast together before school starts, after school we all hang out and do our homework together. My best experience has been able to find such great friends at an amazing school that has welcomed me kindheartedly.