Monday, November 18, 2013

Lord of the Flies: Journal #12

Ignorance is a trait a lot of boy poses in Lord of the Flies. Jack, on the other hand is the leader of the ignorant boys, even. The chief of the whole group, Ralph, is not ignorant nor wishes to be so. Jack symbolized man, how we are so ignorant. We wish not to listen to the most reasonable or just things. Its either our way or no way. Even though we may cave in due to pier pressure, it only makes the ignorance burn brighter and hotter inside. Jack finally makes peace with his ignorance and it turns into want. Again, this is a trait man posses. On the island, Jack is ignorant and once he gets his way with not helping and only hunting, his ignorant turns to want. Want that wishes to be fulfilled. Jack wants to catch a pig. He wants to kill one. Slit the throat of one and watch the blood seep out of the neck. Jack becomes blood thirsty for these animals. When Jack finally kills a pig, the meat is meant to feed everyone. Even though he refuses to feed Piggy After Simon gets Piggy his, Jack’s ignorance is starting to burn again so there is equality between ignorance and want. Piggy is eating pig. Pigs are very intelligent creatures. And via Piggy’s name, William Golding may have purposely written it in this manner to show that Piggy is also very intelligent. Even though pigs are very intelligent, they are not always taken as so. Ralph sees this, and always looks for his help in the coward of boys. This also turns towards Piggy, he isn’t looked at for his intelligence. No one notices it. Eventually, Jack strays the sheep away from the sheppard and go look for meat. Leaving Ralph searching for Piggy’s assistance.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Lord of the Flies Journal #11

Within the whole group of survivors, no one is hated more by Jack than Piggy. Piggy is a round, red faced boy with glasses who seems like a perfect subject to bully. Even though Piggy is very intelligent on what should be done to survive on the island, Jack still bullies him. Whenever Jack bullies Piggy, Piggy looks to Ralph the chief of the boys to see if he will put an end to it. But to avoid controversy, Ralph keeps quiet. Jack as already mad with Ralph for winning superiority over all the boys even though Jack was granted power over the choir boys. When Jack finally makes peace with it, he pushes Ralph to his limit. Jack and the choir boys become the hunters of the group, and they don't help out with making shelters or anything. Ralph only made three rules: Use the rocks rear the ocean for a lavatory, Keep the fire going and smoke showing as a signal, and to take all food up to the fire.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Horror Story in the making

General Wilson called Austin up first. His face gleaming, already in place for his victory. The next name General Wilson called sent the whole class in murmurs. "Nicole" I froze. "Your up!" Somehow my legs moved to the platform to where we would begin out fight. I glanced up to see Austin, planning his attack in his head. Austin was the star of the class. He had never been defeated. He was built like a warrior and had the aim of one. His arrows never missed their target. I, on the other hand, had never been in this fight class. I recently moved up in my rank, which means all my classes get moved up to the next level. When I stepped onto the platform, a smirk seemed to for on Austin's face, he knew he would win, sending me to the medical wing. I don't blame him, i'm not a skinny boney girl. I am about normal for a girl as Winchesters Academy, maybe not as muscular. "Begin!" 
     Austin went for his first arrow hiding within his quiver. He put the arrow in memorized position on is bow. His muscles bulged has he pulled the bow string back with the right amount of pressure.