Thursday, February 13, 2014

Personal HELL

*(1): First hell, Lost souls doomed to roam the earth.  (2): Second hell, Dark, hot pit of death.*

In my personal opinion, I believe the only way to get into hell, is to do something unforgivable. This means killing someone, arson, cannibalization, incest, and a few other things. Killing some one is very unforgivable in every way possible. Committing arson, can be very cruel. Setting fire to a person or place you don't like, can be too destructive. Cannibalization, is just horrifying.Cannibalism is the act or practice of humans eating the flesh or internal organs of other human beings. It is also called anthropophagy. A person who practices cannibalism is called a cannibal. Incest, this I believe, is over all the most unforgivable thing to do to someone. Incest is sexual activity between family members and close relatives. This is one of the most horrifying things to hear about in today's life. They're are a few more things that can get you sent to hell, but those are the top three.

 My version of hell, is listed in two ways. I believe that hell can either be lost souls roaming the earth because they were not accepted to some higher place(1). Or, it is what great philosophers say it is, a dark, hot pit of death(2). The punishments for hell (1) would be roaming the earth seeing your life as it could have been if you didn't do the stuff you did to get to hell. (Picture #1) If you died suddenly, wouldn't you like to see your family remembering the good things you did, and not the bad ones? If you were a killer, and your family did not know, and after your death they found out, would you want to see their expressions when they discover this. Its horrifying! Another punishment for hell (2), would be painful. I believe that the first few years you are in hell, you are ripped apart and it is very painful. (Picture #2) In the TV series Supernatural, a example of what hell would looks likes, shows my view. Dean dies and gets sent to hell and when he is there, he is held up by his bones, and he is slowly being ripped apart. I feel like this is sort of what what would happen in the deeps of hell. There isn't any sympathy in this world, you got yourself there, now you have to stay.

I believe there are two ways to escape. One way, seems like what happened to most dark spirits, They become a demon (Picture #3). I think that if you truly like this hell, you would create this evil essence and you would become a demon. A demon, is a soul filled with darkness who only wants to cause evil. I think that they like to play with people. For example, poltergeist. Poltergeist are known as childhood ghosts. They haunted some children up to the mid-twenties. These ghosts, are demon wanting some fun. For all we know, they could be on a vacation from all their demon duties. The other way to escape is by being pulled out. If the gods change their minds, and pull you out from the deeps of hell.

The heart is a mess.  A messy heart is a symbol for hell. When you have been broken so many times, it leads you down a bad path. This can lead you to commit one or more of the seven deadly sins. Pride is excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Pride is also known as Vanity. Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation. Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. Greed is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work (Picture #4).

The only person in my hell is someone named Waylon. What he did to me is indescribable. What he chose to do, made me lose the ability to trust people. He does not go to Monarch. In fact, he lives 5 hours away from me. My mom saw how I felt after he tore me down and didn't think I would have ever become the girl I am today. My best friend at the time, did everything she could to keep my mind off of him. But its hard to forgive someone for what they did. He hurt me, and it caused me to loose my best friend. Even though I lost her, I think it was for the best, and it made me a better person. Once all this was over with, my mom kind of stopped caring what happened to me, and Dasha didn't talk to me again. I did push people away but they didn't try to push back. I made new friends, who were the best people. Then I moved here, and it has almost been a year. And I couldn't be happier.

(Picture #1)

(Picture #2)

(Picture #3)

(Picture #4)

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