Monday, April 28, 2014

Siddhartha Reflection #1

       In the book Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, Siddhartha's life is closely resembled to Gregor's life and Joseph Campbel's A Hero's Journey. In the beginning, it starts off as an Ordinary World with Siddhartha living his normal life. The Call to Adventure is when Siddhartha asks his father if he could go and join the Samanas. When his father finally said yes, he left to create a new life. After a few months of living wiotht eh Samanas, his friend Govinda hears about a Buddha and wishes to go and hear his teachings. Siddhartha is reluctant at first but eventually gives in and goes with Govinda. Once Siddhartha and Govinda go to the town where the Buddha resided, Govinda goes to become one of the Buddha's monks. Siddhartha gets angry at this, which is his Refusal to the Call, and goes to confront the Buddha. The Buddha teaches Siddhartha more than he thought he would. Siddhartha went originally to be angry with the Buddha, but the Buddha kept an open mind and calmed down Siddhartha. As well as this being his Refusal to the Call, this is also Siddhartha's Meeting the Mentor stage. Buddha gave Siddhartha more advice that anyone else could have. Once their talk is finished and the Buddha has walked away, is when Siddhartha realizes that he has Crossed the Threshold and decides to become his own teacher.

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